Pandemain: Villages
The goal of any self-respecting baker is to sell their bread, and the higher the quality of the loaf and recipe, the higher amount of pfennigs they can get for the sell.
To sell bread in the villages, you will have to send one of your workers, you can only send one to each village and only to those demanding bread types that you can deliver.
You may fulfill every request in a village, if you have the baked loafs, but just once per request “slot”, that is, up to 3 requests per turn.
Sending your worker to sell will cost 1 pfennig for every other worker already at your destination, so plan your sales strategies carefully!
With each loaf of bread you sell to a village, you will earn as many pfennigs as indicated by the price chart of the board and, additionally, you will earn prestige and victory points according to the bread’s quality.
Also, our master baker will earn you rewards when selling your bread, such as ingredients or other benefits. In the same way, you will need a certain penitence level on the track to sell in one of Augsburg’s villages, known for their piety, and it will also reward you with penitence points with every bread loaf you sell there.
And that’s because “Pandemain: Traditional Farmers’ Bread” rewards the players planning long-term strategies, fulfilling the requests efficiently and with great quality bread… or would you rather sacrifice some victory points to sell lower quality bread and quickly earn some very needed pfennigs? There are many strategies that can lead you to victory in this Euro-style game launching on Kickstarter in October.
Pandemain is coming soon to Kickstarter, if you want us to get in touch, then click the blue button:
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